MOBILIZATION CALL: A Week of International Solidarity for the December 8 Group

To all organizations, autonomous collectives, activists and unions committed to social justice.

We are the loved ones, friends, families and supporters of the December 8 group – a group of nine people targeted by anti-terrorist operation on the same date, and have been mobilizing since December 8th 2020 to support them.

This case will go to trial very soon, from October 3rd to 27th 2023.

We call on you to mobilize in support of this December 8 Affair and, more generally, against the unprecedented extension of the anti-terrorist arsenal of the state.

If the state decided to do so, tomorrow we can all be labeled as terrorists.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share this invitation.

Libertarian greetings

The December 8th 2020 affair is an anti-terrorist operation commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior against activists designated by the ministry as “ultra-left activists” who are then indicted for “terrorist criminal association”.

The DGSI (General Directorate for Internal Security), accompanied by GAO and RAID (militarized police units), arrested nine people – whom united together under the banner of “libertarians” – whose political commitments were diverse and in different fields: support for refugee families, projects for autonomy and collective places in the countryside, support for victims of state murder, squatting for political and counter-cultural activities, ecology and defense of the animal cause, involvement in Zones A Défendre, activism in the punk scene, feminism, as well as the Yellow Vests movement etc. These are long-standing comrades in social struggles.

Recent events continue to demonstrate the trivialization of the use of anti-terrorist forces, and the downward spiral of violence into which the State is sinking day by day. This reminds us that a purportedly exceptional measure always ends up being applied on a massive scale. There will be no turning back without us taking actions.

This is why today we are mobilizing for the trial of the accused of December 8.

After more than two years of prosecution, the judge has just decided to uphold the charges made by the DGSI. The seven defendants will appear before Chamber 16 (anti-terrorism) of the Paris Criminal Court.

The trial will take place from October 3rd to 27th. If charged, the defendants will face some years of imprisonment and tens of thousands of euros in fines.

In a judicial context that is particularly violent towards those who have revolted (from Sainte-Soline to the youth riots in working-class neighborhoods, the judges have been very heavy-handed) and lax towards uniformed criminals, there is a strong risk that this trial will be exploited by those in power.

Let’s not allow the state to take this step! A political trial is not about punishing individuals but a movement. We call for solidarity from all components of social movements, so that we will not all became terrorists tomorrow.


In the face of states that want to divide resistance movements, friendships and comradeships, collectives and all forms of left-wing organisation in general, we demand solidarity in all its forms!

We invite you to express in various ways our determination and rage against their world, and our solidarity with those who will be on trial in Paris from 3 to 27 October 2023.

Every individual, collective and organisation can take part in this appeal. In their own way, with their own tools, creativity and imagination! From the most fragile to the most spectacular, all actions have meaning. And if it strengthens our ties, our thinking and our responsiveness, then let’s seize the opportunity.

You can share your solidarity on :


  • TWO GATHERINGS IN FRONT OF THE PARIS COURT: on the first day of trial (October 3rd) and on the day of the verdict (October 27th).
  • A WEEK OF INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: we call on comrades all over the world and anyone with a sense of justice, to mobilize from September 16thto 23rd 2023, to gather in front of French embassies, consulates or institutions, or any means suitable to voice your objection to this blatant and inhuman injustice.
  • THE ORGANIZATION OF SUPPORT EVENTS : until the end of the trial.
  • TO PUBLICIZE THE CASE : distribute our press releases in your social networks, your newspapers and media platform.
  • FINANCIAL SUPPORT : the four weeks of trial will cost the comrades several thousands of euros each. Here is an online donation pool:

Read more on the December 8 affair:

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